Our Sessions

  • 5 to 20 Persons

    For more than 20, a session must be booked

  • £50 per person

    First 5 persons are free for the first session of 15+

  • 1 Hour

    Each Session lasts for 1 hour on average

  • Monique in tea class

    Learn the History

    You'll learn about the history of Matcha and why the monks used it to aid in meditation. We will cover the tea ceremony and unveil how the intentionality of action in the tea ceremony may be mimicked in your daily life to boost productivity.

  • whisking matcha

    Whisk it!

    Next, you'll participate in tutorials and learn tips and tricks to whisk Matcha like a pro. We will also dive into the effect of Matcha on mental and physical health.

  • matcha cocktail

    Be Productive

    Last we'll go over productivity as a lifestyle and not just independent actions. We dive into how to become more productive, internal and external factors aiding/ preventing productivity amongst other things.

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